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    MMJ Labs receives patent for pain control and increased blood flow

    MMJ Labs, LLC, a medical device manufacturer and global innovator in pain management, is pleased...

    Pain and the Pendulum – 5 ways the opioid panic could evolve pain management

    “The greatest evil is physical pain.” – St. Augustine Physical pain is intertwined with...

    DistrACTION® Cards: Because Kids Already Know Shots Hurt

    As a pediatrician, I have a confession to make. I’m ashamed to admit that in residency...

    Last Call – Why I Quit Practicing Medicine Today

    Yesterday I had my last night on call, working in a busy ED until 2am. Today is my...

    Lessons about Labs – Theranos, Buzzy, and the Grail of Painless Phlebotomy - A. Baxter MD

    In 2014, Elizabeth Holmes and I both shared a San Francisco TEDMED stage for the same reason – we...

    Why healthcare execs should care about the first needle-phobia pancreas transplant

    After years of waiting, 55 year old Sue York recently received a pancreas transplant...

    510K FDA Clearance Press Release

    Atlanta, GA – MMJ Labs LLC, the world leader in non-invasive reusable pain relief...

    Five FUN facts about flu – SPOILER ALERT: Ferrets!

    This week is National Influenza Vaccination week (intentionally chosen because flu...

    Value Analysis Topical Anesthetics – Buzzy for the win!

    Getting buy in to new methods can be difficult – when value collides with complacency...

    5 best and newest tips to relieve vaccine pain

    Canadian scientists have long been at the forefront of reducing unnecessary pain. Dr....

    Buzzy was featured on KTLA!

    Click here to see KTLA’s video talking about Buzzy! Thanks to Rich DeMuro for talking about us and...

    5 Tips to Better Manage Kids’ Temper Tantrums

    Children have tantrums for several reasons, but they often resort to tantrums when they...

    Hospitals improve HCAHP with Buzzy

    We heard this week that Buzzy has been implemented to increase HCAHP scores. It makes...

    Fox News Laura’s Likes – DistrACTION®cards

    Fox News Laura’s Likes – DistrACTION Cards. “Instant boredom buster. Who knew?”

    Shark Tank and NEW! Aches and Injuries Buzzy

    We’re In The Tank… Again… Just a quick note that Buzzy will be on Shark Tank again this