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    Hospitals improve HCAHP with Buzzy

    We heard this week that Buzzy has been implemented to increase HCAHP scores. It makes sense – no one forgets you’ve done everything you can for pain when you put a vibrating bee on their arm. Or LadyBuzz.


    Hospitals have been letting people know about the availability of Buzzy for years. What’s new is the number of hospitals – New York Presbyterian, New York University, University of Wisconsin among others – expressly instituting a Buzzy Pain Relief policy for adult patients. Up to 25% of adults fear needles, but there is strong pressure not to admit to this fear. By offering everyone fast, reusable pain relief no wonder their satisfaction goes up.


    At Rochester General, Buzzy is the icon that tells families their “we care about children’s pain”.


    Buzzy is $69.95 for small/injection/pediatric healthcare size, or $99.95 for adult/phlebotomy size. All Buzzy products available in black, original striped, or LadyBuzz.

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