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    Live Nasal Rinse

    Power Over Pain: Home Care Management

    Julius Caesar said “it is easier to find men who will volunteer to die than endure pain with...

    Power Over Pain: Migraines

    One of the hard parts of determining what works for migraines is that the same pain can be brought...

    How to use low to no opioids when recovering from injuries or surgery

    Buzzy “Highly Recommended” In National Injection Guidelines

    Non-adherence is a significant problem in medical management. New national guidelines recommend...

    ‘Yanny or Laurel’ is the Key to Marketing (and Maybe Fixing America)

    If you are tapped in to social media or have teenagers, by now you’ve probably heard the Yanny...

    5 Things in Your Kitchen that Fight the Flu

    Everyone knows someone who is sick these days. There’s a lot of misinformation about what can or...

    Attacking the Opioid Crisis on a Budget: 8 Innovative Ideas

    Political talk is cheap, substance abuse programs are expensive, and the nature of the crisis...

    Stopping The Opioid Epidemic – Pain. Physicians. Payment. Simple.

    Pain is the root of the opioid epidemic. When opioid use leads to addiction, solutions require...

    Why Inventors Are Rarely Innovators

    Ah, the quest for innovation! Healthcare technology conferences, director level positions and...

    Why 2/3 of Gen Z Won’t Buy Insurance Without a Mandate

    The disappointing uptake of Obamacare by millennials has been explained by several theories....

    Healthcare wants patients to take an active role: this is what empowerment looks like

    At January’s JPMorgan Healthcare conference, hospitals focused on the patient journey, startups...

    Seeing what wasn’t there – 5 observations of opportunity at the #JPM16 conference

    As a researcher, I find the best scientists are those who digest a broad spectrum of...

    People don’t “get over” needle fear. Without FluMist, we need needle-free options

    When I lecture on needle fear, someone – a scientist, a doctor, a public health policy guru –...

    To avoid opioid addiction, face pain like a dancer

    In retrospect, we were an addicted nation waiting to happen. Not from a self-indulgent culture,...