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    Amy Baxter

    Buzzy® Vaccine Pain Relief Just Got Better: The New Placement Method You Need to Try

    For over 22 years, we've been fine-tuning the science behind Buzzy®—a device that reduces needle...

    Pain Management Without Drugs: A Multimodal Approach

    Pain management without drugs—whether it’s termed “nonpharmacologic,” “multimodal approach,” or...

    My step by step approach to overcoming acute and chronic pain

    The more I know about pain, the less afraid I am of it, so the less I notice it. This is just one...

    Explained: Why Insurance Covers Opioids vs Non-Pharmaceutical Options - A. Baxter MD

    Pain is the primary reason people seek medical care. Pain is also the problem that ignited the...

    Ending the Opioid Crisis Starts with Physicians - A. Baxter MD

    A recently published opinion article by opioid advocatesattempts to assuage physicians’...

    Leverage Passive Movement | Pain & Movement Series - A. Baxter MD

    Does passive movement help? Turns out, there are kinds of movement that don’t even require effort...

    Use Mobility to Reduce Pain | Pain & Movement Series - A. Baxter MD

    Why does mobility reduce pain? We’ve long known that mobility is the best pain reliever,without...

    To avoid opioid addiction, face pain like a dancer - A.Baxter MD

    Republished from June 2016. In retrospect, we were an addicted nation waiting to happen.

    Ivermectin: Neither great nor idiotic – Highlights COVID messaging fails

    Weaning Off Prescribing Opioids - A. Baxter MD

    Republished from Op-Med.

    Ending Acute Outpatient Opioids: A Wake-Up Call! A. Baxter MD

    Unlike other drug crises, 80% of opioid addiction starts with a pillprescribed by a physician or...

    Uncovering the Payor Role in the Opioid Crisis - A. Baxter MD

    Addiction is costly to treat and heartbreaking to watch. While the public focuses onpharma...

    Stopping The Opioid Epidemic – Pain. Physicians. Payment. Simple.

    Pain is the root of the opioid epidemic. When opioid use leads to addiction, solutions require...