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    Nasal Irrigation & Cholesterol


    Approaching one year since we have been aware of Covid-19, Dr. Baxter brings some updates about her nasal irrigation clinical trial.


    High blood pressure is correlated with increased severity of Covid-19. This is something scientists and doctors have noticed since nearly the beginning of the pandemic, but a new paper suggests a reason why patients taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol are actually doing better and less likely to have severe cases of Covid. It all ties back to the viral load being indicative of illness intensity. Statins block the ability for Covid to interact with Ace-2 receptors. This means that Covid is less able to inject itself into the body since it is harder for the cells to be received. 


    Nasal irrigation study update! Funded by Augusta University Foundation, Neilmed, and Navage, the study is at the end of enrollment and is beginning to look at findings. Only 2 people in the study went to the ER for covid related illness. The solution to pollution is dilution and this seems to be good evidence towards the validity of nasal irrigation.

    Dedicated COVID-19 webpage here.

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